Lifelong Person Re-Identification with Backward-Compatibility
Minyoung Oh, Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. APSIPA, Dec. 2024.
Domain generalizable person search using unreal dataset
Minyoung Oh, Duhyun Kim, Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. AAAI, Feb. 2024.
Fully-automatic reflection removal for 360-degree images
Jonghyuk Park, Hyeona Kim, Eunpil Park and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. IEEE WACV, Jan. 2024.
Underwater image enhancement using realistic dataset with turbidity and color distortion
Eunpil Park, Eunsung Jo and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. APSIPA, Nov. 2022.
Zero-shot learning for reflection removal of single 360-degree image
Byeong-Ju Han and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. ECCV, Oct. 2022.
Zero-shot image dehazing using pseudo atmospheric light Image
Eunsung Jo, Eunpil Park, and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. IEEE MMSP, Sep. 2022.
NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
Longguang Wang, et al., in Proc. IEEE CVPRW, Jun. 2022.
Context-based matching refinement for person search
Byeong-Ju Han, Jae-Won Yang, Oggyu Lee, and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. APSIPA ASC, Dec. 2021.
Context-aware unsupervised clustering for person search
Byeong-Ju Han, Kuhyeun Ko, and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. BMVC, Nov. 2021.
End-to-end trainable trident person search network using adaptive gradient propagation
Byeong-Ju Han, Kuhyeun Ko, and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. IEEE ICCV, Oct. 2021.
Multi-scale selective residual learning for non-homogeneous dehazing
Eunsung Jo and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. IEEE CVPRW, Jun. 2021.
Deep learning based depth estimation and reconstruction of light field images
Jae-Seong Yun and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. APSIPA ASC, Dec. 2020.
Multiscale saliency detection for colored 3D point clouds based on random walk
Se-Won Jeong, Jae-Seong Yun, and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. APSIPA ASC, Dec. 2020.
Warping residual based image stitching for large parallax
Kyu-Yul Lee and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. IEEE CVPR, Jun. 2020.
Cloud removal of satellite images using convolutional neural network with reliable cloudy image synthesis model
Kyu-Yul Lee and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 2019.
Cluster-wise removal of reflection artifacts in large-scale 3D point clouds using superpixel-based glass region estimation
Jae-Seong Yun and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 2019.
Video saliency detection using adaptive feature combination and localized saliency computation
Eunpil Park, Byeong-Ju Han, Seungjoon Yang, and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. APSIPA ASC, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 2018.
Reflection removal for large-scale 3D point clouds
Jae-Seong Yun and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. IEEE CVPR, Salt Lake City, USA, Jun. 2018. [more]
Gradient-based contrast enhancement and color correction for underwater images
Eunpil Park and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. APSIPA ASC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2017.
Reflection removal using low-rank matrix completion
Byeong-Ju Han and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. IEEE CVPR, Honolulu, USA, Jul. 2017. [more]
Depth guided selection of adaptive region of interest for grabcut-based image segmentation
Garam Kim and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. APSIP ASC, Jeju, Korea, Dec. 2016.
Supervoxel-based saliency detection for large-scale colored 3D point clouds
Jae-Seong Yun and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Phoenix, USA, Sep. 2016. [more]
Color preserving contrast enhancement for low light level images based on Retinex
Hyo-Gi Lee, Seungjoon Yang, and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. APSIPA ASC, Hong Kong, Dec. 2015.
SOWP: Spatially ordered and weighted patch descriptor for visual tracking
Han-Ul Kim, Dae-Youn Lee, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Santiago, Chile, Dec. 2015.
Robust contrast enhancement of noisy low-light images: denoising-enhancement-completion
Jaemoon Lim, Jin-Hwan Kim, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Québec city, Canada, Sep. 2015.
Robust video stitching using adaptive pixel transfer
Kyu-Yul Lee and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Québec city, Canada, Sep. 2015.
Multihypothesis trajectory analysis for robust visual tracking
Dae-Youn Lee, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, in Proc. IEEE CVPR, Boston, USA, Jun. 2015.
Multiple random walkers and their application to image cosegmentation
Chulwoo Lee, Won-Dong Jang, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, in Proc. IEEE CVPR, Boston, USA, Jun. 2015.
Multiscale saliency detection for 3D meshes using random walk
Se-Won Jeong and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. APSIPA ASC, Siem Reap, Cambodia, Dec. 2014.
Stereo video deraining and desnowing based on spatiotemporal frame warping
Jin-Hwan Kim, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Paris, France, Oct. 2014.
Depth-guided adaptive contrast enhancement using 2D histograms
Jun-Tae Lee, Chulwoo Lee, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Paris, France, Oct. 2014.
Video saliency detection based on spatiotemporal feature learning
Se-Ho Lee, Jin-Hwan Kim, Kwang Pyo Choi, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Paris, France, Oct. 2014.
Robust video stabilization based on mesh grid warping of rolling-free features
Yeong Jun Koh, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Paris, France, Oct. 2014.
Automatic video genre classification using multiple SVM votes
Won-Dong Jang, Chulwoo Lee, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, in Proc. International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 2014.
Visual tracking using pertinent patch selection and masking
Dae-Youn Lee, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Columbus, USA, Jun. 2014.
GEQM: A quality metric for gray-level edge maps based on structural matching
Won-Dong Jang, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, in Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Florence, Italy, May. 2014.
Efficient depth map recovery using concurrent object boundaries in texture and depth images
Se-Ho Lee, Tae-Young Chung, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, in Proc. APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (ASC), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Oct. 2013.
Robust stereo matching under radiometric variations based on cumulative distributions of gradients
Il-Lyong Jung, Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, Sang-Uk Lee, in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Melbourne, Australia, Sep. 2013.
Reliable optical flow estimation in motion-blurred regions
Yeong Jun Koh, Chul Lee, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, in Proc. IEEE MMSP, Pula (Sardinia), Italy, Sep. 2013.
Video saliency detection based on random walk with restart
Jun-Seong Kim, Hansang Kim, Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Melbourne, Australia, Sep. 2013.
Single-image deraining using an adaptive nonlocal means filter
Jin-Hwan Kim, Chul Lee, Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Melbourne, Australia, Sep. 2013.
Fast object tracking using color histograms and patch differences
Dae-Youn Lee, Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Melbourne, Australia, Sep. 2013.
Grabcut-based edge refinement using depth information
Tae-Hui Yun, Hwasup Lim, Sang Chul Ahn, and Jae-Young Sim, in Proc. ITC-CSCC, Jul. 2013.
Histogram-based stereo matching under varying illumination conditions
Il-Lyong Jung, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, in Proc. IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), San Diego, USA, Nov. 2012.
Temporally coherent real-time video dehazing
Jin-Hwan Kim, Won-Dong Jang, Yongsup Park, Dong-Hahk Lee, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Orlando, USA, Sep. 2012.
Superpixel-based depth image super-resolution
Yongseok Soh, Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, in Proc. SPIE Three-Dimensional Image Processing (3DIP) and Applications II, Burlingame, USA, Jan. 2012.
Viewing angle dependent coding of digital holograms
Dae-Hyun Lee, Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Barcelona, Spain, Aug. 2011.
Correspondence matching for multi-view sequences based on mutual activity voting
Soon-Young Lee, Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, in Proc. Proc. ITC-CSCC, Gyeongju, Korea, Jun. 2011.
Contrast restoration for hazy video sequences
Jin-Hwan Kim, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, ITC-CSCC, Jun. 2011.
Single image dehazing based on contrast enhancement
Jin-Hwan Kim, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Prague, Czech Republic, May. 2011.
Panoramic scene generation from multi-view images with close foreground objects
Soon-Young Lee, Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, in Proc. Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), Nagoya, Japan, Dec. 2010.
Vector quantization of 3D point clouds
Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, in Proc. SPIE International Symposium on Optics East, Boston, USA, Oct. 2005.
Construction of regular 3D point clouds using octree partitioning and resampling
Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, in Proc. IEEE ISCAS, Kobe, Japan, May. 2005.
Lossless compression of point-based data for 3D graphics rendering
Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, in Proc. SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing, San Jose, USA, Jan. 2004.
Compression of color data in 3D semi-regular meshes
Kyung-Hwa Han, Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, in Proc. ITC-CSCC, Korea, Jul. 2003.
View-dependent transmission of 3-D normal meshes
Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, C.-C. Jay Kuo, and Sang-Uk Lee, in Proc. IEEE ISCAS, vol. II, May. 2003.
Normal mesh compression based on rate-distortion optimization
Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, C.-C. Jay Kuo, and Sang-Uk Lee, in Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), Dec. 2002.
3D mesh compression using triangle fan structure
Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May. 2002.
Triangle mesh compression using geometric constraints
Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, in Proc. International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), Korea, Jul. 2000.