Welcome to Visual Information Processing Lab. @ UNIST
Visual Information Processing Laboratory (VIP Lab.) was founded in 2009, and has been advised by Prof. Jae-Young Sim (심재영). VIP Lab. is carrying out researches on image processing and computer vision, based on the background of electrical engineering, computer science, and mathematics. Specific research topics of VIP Lab. include 3D visual data processing and compression, multi-view video processing, color-depth image processing, and multimedia communications. Possible applications of our researches cover 3D visual communication and broadcasting, 3D display, robot vision systems, bio-medical imaging, and interactive games.
Recruiting Master and Ph.D. students (대학원생 모집)
- VIP Lab. is recruiting prospective and self-motivated graduate students for Master/Ph.D. programs and Post-doctoral researchers, who are interested in our research issues. Please contact Prof. Jae-Young Sim (
, +82-52-217-2117).
(유니스트 영상정보처리 연구실에서는 석사, 박사과정 학생 및 포스트닥 연구원을 모집하고 있습니다. 지원을 희망하는 분께서는 심재영 교수(, 052-217-2117)에게 연락주시기 바랍니다.)